The Innerspace Programs – Emotional Literacy for Student Wellbeing and Resilience.
LEVEL TWO - MIDDLE SCHOOL 10 to 14 years
BRISBANE - Two day program - May 20th - 21st, 2008
Gumtree Gardens,
COST: $450 - includes refreshments, lunch, manuals
TIMES: 9am to 5pm each day
These programs use writing, emotional fluency tools, emotional mapping, use of music, bioenergetics, relaxation skills, self-esteem exercises, visualisation and self-discovery worksheets.
Innerspace supports students affected by grief and loss; those at risk of depression, relationship difficulties, low self-esteem, and developing behavioural difficulties.
The three levels are multiple intelligence approachs to supporting students, with a particular focus on developing the intrapersonal and interpersonal intelligences - knowing self and being able to communicate.
Help your students expand their self-understanding; improve interpersonal effectiveness; develop the skills of self-reflection, emotional support and empathic communication. These programs present new ways to foster resilience and mental wellbeing in students.
Help students:
- Develop emotional literacy
- Resolve feelings of isolation
- Open up and share their concerns
- Form more supportive peer bonds
- Develop emotional self-care skills
- De-stress
The programs use a range of proven personal development and life-skills building techniques, such as: writing, emotional fluency tools, emotional mapping, use of music, bioenergetics, relaxation skills, self-esteem exercises, visualisation and self-discovery worksheets.
The methods in the programs are effective for groupwork, one-on-one support, or classroom application. At the end of the two-day training you will have the satisfaction of gaining new skills for supporting student welfare. You will be able to apply practical methods to help students reflect, feel and care about self and others. Your Statement of Attendance is a license to copy and use the Student Workbook.
With each 2-day training course you will receive a Facilitator's Guide, Student Workbook, Workbook Masters.